About Us
“He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.”
Colossians 1:28
To assist parents in fulfilling their biblical responsibility to train our youth in the knowledge of God and the Christian walk, while providing an holistic academic education; to be an extension of the family and Kingdom of Christ.

To graduate students who are prepared for higher education

To train students to become healthy, active adults.

To see all students come to the knowledge of Christ as Savior and to be discipled in their faith.
Thank you for considering Trinity Christian Academy for the education and spiritual growth of your student(s). As a prospective parent you should know that we view Trinity as a ministry in the venue of education. Our primary goal is to teach your child that God is the author and finisher of their faith, to win them to Christ and to have our “product as the standard.” We want other schools to follow our lead.
Here at TCA, we are dedicated to excellence. Our mission is to train the student in the knowledge of God and the Christian life, while providing an excellent academic education. Academically, we have a 100% graduation rate for students that go through high school with us, and a 100% college acceptance rate. Athletically, we have nineteen programs from junior high through varsity and have earned numerous state championships. We have placed numerous athletes in college and professional programs. Our arts programs stage numerous full productions every year, and we have had several students chosen to be in professional productions.
At TCA, your student is known and cared for by our faculty and staff. Because we are small, teachers get to know every student well. Our faculty of highly qualified professional educators and support personnel are committed to providing students many opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom. We invite and encourage students and parents to work in partnership with us to seize opportunities within our motto – “An Education with Spirit”. We extend a special, yearlong invitation to our families to join us at school activities and events whenever possible. We want and value your involvement and support in your child’s education!
Please know that we value home/school communication here at Trinity. It is vital and plays an integral role in each student’s success. We encourage you to contact us if and when the need arises, about your child’s studies, assignments, assessments, and school activities, as well as other events and happenings. We value each student’s safety and know that keeping them safe is our greatest responsibility. We are dedicated to their well-being and have intensified our focus on safety and security procedures to make certain that students and staff are safe.
Let me close by saying that TCA is a family – you can trust us with your child/children and know that he or she will be spiritually fed, well educated and well cared for. We look forward to enrolling your student(s). Go Eagles!
Karen M. Neher